listen to a movie podcast where they are fond of doing drafts of movies because they can banter for an hour or so while talking about a year in movies. recently they did an 80s comedy draft which was a little too broad because part of the "fun" is them stealing each others choices. with a whole decade there was no winnowing of options. no winnowing!!! 

so i thought id throw up the categories. i even added one. i know you all love to laugh and love the 80s even more.

1) blockbuster (i think thats over 75 million domestic. can find numbers at box office mojo.)

2) oscar nominated (not clear but pretty sure its for any oscar which broadens the options.)

3) action/horror

4) romantic comedy

5) teen comedy (i added this one since it was a rich era as you 80s teens can attest!)

6) wild card (that means "wild card.")

not sure what else could be added other than most overrated but ill assume you think they all are. so cant imagine a draft but you can fill in your ballot. i guess foreign could be a category or non-english but they arent very funny, are they?


- dave 9-18-2022 1:08 pm

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