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Friday, Nov 30, 2001

comfy cozy

old brown shoe
long long long
for you blue
only a northern song
savoy truffle
think for yourself
while my guitar gently weeps
here comes the sun


center of attention

The Rabbi and the Centerfold



Among the isolated, out-of-step losers who dare open their mouths to mutter "doubts" about America's military campaign in Afghanistan, you will sometimes hear the traitorous comment: "This war is just about oil."

We here at the Global Eye take stern exception to such cynical tommyrot. No one who has made a clear and dispassionate assessment of the situation in the region could possibly say the new Afghan war is "just about oil."

It's also about drugs.


girls who wear glasses

"Nowadays, they do. Whether it’s Ted Koppel being made by the Iranian hostage crisis or Arthur Kent turning into the “Scud Stud” during the Gulf War, historic news stories have become the journalistic fast track to celebrity. And this happens so routinely that the search for the new media star is automatically built into coverage of the events themselves. Within hours of the attack on the World Trade Center, you could already hear people asking, “Who’s going to be made by this one?"


making copy

Will the FBI's most-wanted terrorist have his place in Time as the magazine's Man of the Year?
