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Friday, Jan 11, 2002

rascal racicot

"The political reforms passed after Watergate had two somewhat paradoxical consequences. On the positive side, outright, cash-in-a-bag corruption became quite rare in Washington. On the negative side, sleaze got much more inventive. The fruits of this trend included such instruments of dubious virtue and technical legality as corporate soft money, "honoraria" for speech-making, campaign contribution "bundling," insider stock deals for members of Congress, and ever more blatant forms of influence-peddling."


df tribune

The Future of bin Ladenism
Pipeline Politics
Carlyle's Way
Bush Family Value$
Bad Intelligence Causing Pentagon-CIA Rift
A Creeping Collapse in Credibility at the White House


band on the run

"There, boasted a flurry of HBO press releases, several dozen construction workers had labored mightily to build an 80-square-foot high-definition movie screen, a viewing tent, and a reception area that could accommodate up to 1,000 guests, "as well as lounge and bar space." The occasion for all this was not so much the annual D-day commemoration, which was squeezed in after lunch, but an event that had for all intents and purposes replaced it: the star-studded premiere of Band of Brothers--a $125-million television miniseries produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, based on the book by Stephen E. Ambrose, telling the true-life story of Easy Company, and appearing on a TV screen near you in early September."


clear channel

"The United States is more likely to suffer a nuclear, chemical or biological attack from terrorists using ships, trucks or airplanes than one by a foreign country using long-range missiles, according to a new U.S. intelligence estimate."


Thursday, Jan 10, 2002

df gazette

Saudi Arabia's anti-American fiction
Arms Buildup Enriches Firm Staffed by Big Guns
Is George W. Bush God’s President?
The Nixon Story You Never Heard
