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Saturday, Sep 04, 2004

you suck, balls

its no easier pinning chris matthews down to an answer than it is the politicians he reportedly interrogates. and he is just as likely to begin sprouting his own personal talking points when pressed for an honest response. for the third time this week ive heard him bluster "my show is called hardball, not success magazine," as if stating it made it true. maybe he was still just too giddy from his made for tv movie encounter with senator zellfire to be trifling with questions about the failures of the fourth estate. that and he seems to be scared of running afoul of the republicans. message to chris matthews: the republicans are watching fox in a big way. how about a show for the rest of us. theres a reason the daily show draws better numbers than you and its not just because its funny.


Friday, Sep 03, 2004

taxing situation

""Bush in a kind of very secretive way has been moving us one step at a time toward a flat tax," Stephen Moore, president of the conservative Club for Growth, told me last month. My piece "Hidden Agenda," from the October issue of the Prospect, gets into this in more detail."


ad count

richard linklater ad from move on. also, i think the dnc's " broken record" ad is pretty effective.


cotton mouth

i think i read about james wolcott skulking about among the liberal bloggers at the convention. maybe he was out creating a little buzz for his blog launch.


map science

looks like the election may come down to pennsylvania. and theres a fairly plausible 269-269 scenario. other states in play: florida tennessee colorado wisconsin iowa nevada minnesota michigan and arizona. possibly arkansas and virginia. my guesstimate today was kerry 270 bush 268. that required a win in nevada tennessee iowa minn michigan and penn but losses in florida colorado virginia and arkansas. click on the interactive map and make your own predictions.


demanding satisfaction

the general gives zell his due.


classs act

fred kaplan skools the repug speeches.



listening to pataki makes me yearn for a euphonious al gore. i look forward to the day when he is the republican candidate for president. here is a man that can make people enthusiastic about a kerry candidacy.


factored in

who found the factor?


Thursday, Sep 02, 2004

kiss off

"Keep the focus on the president's manifest record of failure and he loses this election. Simple as that."
