drat fink

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Monday, Oct 01, 2001

iron lion zion


all aboard




robot wars


Sunday, Sep 30, 2001

wait until dark


Saturday, Sep 29, 2001

tear jerker

Report: Gen X Irony, Cynicism
May Be Permanently Obsolete

AUSTIN, TX— According to Generation X sources, the recent attack on America may have rendered cynicism and irony permanently obsolete. "Remember the day after the attack, when all the senators were singing 'God Bless America,' arm-in-arm?" asked Dave Holt, 29. "Normally, I'd make some sarcastic wisecrack about something like that. But this time, I was deeply moved." Added Holt: "This earnestness can't last forever. Can it?"


Friday, Sep 28, 2001

caught in a spyders web

how many cliches can i rend in an hour
glassy eyed

the light
whiter than white

i remember how that damn thing
would never give me any peace

a plastic smile
why wont you cooperate

ive always been a big fan


Thursday, Sep 27, 2001

well blow me down

do you shop at macy's gray

i know its purple again
but then purple it must be

wideyed widowed

all eyes on me

why are you riding so fast
if i move slow i lose focus

at the crosswalk

hit the skids
too late

i think its leaking brake fluid


Wednesday, Sep 26, 2001

an extenuated circumstance

the cloistered
the cloak that wears you
reduced to must
its over whats due
your risque brass
blotted out the seen
half hearted flags
drip drop droop


drat fink

something to say
somethng to say
something to say

do you hear me? do you care?

nothing to say
now except
good bye
