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Friday, Nov 09, 2001

df evening news

gunning for saddam
bin laden and the cia
homeland insecurity
the role of the isi
God's Foreign Policy
A Just Cause, Not a Just War


trading places


Thursday, Nov 08, 2001

in bloom

"And he cuts an outsize figure socially. An active philanthropist (who also donated to Bill Clinton's presidential campaigns) and partygoer on Manhattan's Upper East Side, he is known as a ladies' man, and the sort who rarely bothers to zip his lip. He is, he told New York magazine, the "boy toy" for his matchmaking female friends. Asked if he had ever smoked marijuana, he responded: "You bet I did, and I enjoyed it.""


df post-dispatch

A War We Cannot Win by John le Carré
Clinton calls terror a U.S. debt to past
Pundits Grasp at Political Tea Leaves
Intelligence Shakeup Would Boost CIA
Defectors Cite Iraqi Training for Terrorism
Bin Laden network 'plotted hundreds of attacks'
lingua franca out of business


Wednesday, Nov 07, 2001

coming up lame

Fifa Aims To Crack Down On Fake Injuries In World Cup


df daybreak

op-eds from edward said and others
yogi speaks
Bin Laden's Wildfire Threatens Saudi Rulers
Not Self-Defense Under International Law
the house of bin laden (nyker)
the church of churchill


suicide for peace

i guess this is what they mean when they say that the taliban fought like crazy. meet the new kamikazes.


Monday, Nov 05, 2001

delta faucets

new yorkers seymour hersh on special forces in afghanistan


nowhere to run

KANDAHAR: Afghan Foreign Minister Maulvi Wakil Ahmed Mutawakil has proposed one-to-one fight between President Bush, Prime Minister Tony Blair and Taliban supreme leader Mulla Mohammad Omar to determine as to who stand and who will run in the fight.


Saturday, Nov 03, 2001

mag lite
