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Thursday, Jun 06, 2002

soft landing

"After more than a decade of munificent salary-and-stock packages, many of America's corporate chieftains are departing with big retirement packages, provoking anger among some worker and shareholder activists."

"We're seeing the most obnoxious compensation packages in history" at a time when fewer workers have guaranteed retirement income, said John Hotz, deputy director of the Pension Rights Center, a nonprofit consumer organization."


cutting remarks

"There is zero evidence of box-cutters on either plane that hit the World Trade Center. Not a single flight crew member or passenger on American Airlines Flight 11 or United Airlines Flight 175 reported seeing box-cutters or plastics knives. Nor were they mentioned in the FAA executive summary on any of the hijacked plane.(LINK FAA MEMO.) Only on American Airlines Flight 77, which hit the Pentagon, was there a near-mention by one passenger that the hijackers in the back of the plane had knives and "card-board cutters," and even that passenger to claim to see what weapons were actually used to hijack the plane. The claim by administration officials that plastic knives were used to hijack the planes is pure invention."


kashmir spacestation

"WASHINGTON – Bitter disputes over territory. Suicide bombings. Threats of retaliation. International attempts to calm roiled passions.

The Middle East? Yes – and South Asia. Although there are important differences between the Israeli–Palestinian struggle and the standoff between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, the similarities between the situations are striking."


88 lines about 44 airmen

"An Air Force officer has been relieved from duties at the Presidio of Monterey after publication of his letter to the editor accusing President George W. Bush of having advance knowledge of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks."

musical accompaniment from 88 lines on mp3


blue jean baby, come what maybe

never swept you off your feet
never knew your favorite treat
never walked a mile in your shoes
never said, i have nothing to lose
never smiled without a frown
never saw your wedding gown

just a girl with low riding genes
you crack me up
with all my seems (showing)


sovereign of the seizure

dreaming of the seas
a blank spate of unease
from out of the trees (i heard)
cant slake the diseased word

the doppelganger effect
my face is all whet
and ive only reached the 12th floor
of the 39 steppes

mired in admired
my lags have grown tired
need a jab before im fired (up)
the song is over but im still wired (cup to cup)

the why-r-less phone
an attack of the growns
overcome with the gloom
see you reel soon


unless your afraid of my parents nagging

i heard the black man wheezing
and the barges barge din

i saw the guide lights gleaming
through the buildings reflecting skin

and the old ways peeling off
like fake painted grins

wondering if id had enough
of darkness in the city lights

of sailboats lapping
at trite rites

accentuate the positive fright

say goodnight gracie
good night



taking pictures
its perfect
just one look
and youre suspect
now walk away
before someone
gets hurt


Wednesday, Jun 05, 2002

rivalting behavior

im happy to see that fifa is trying to combat fake injuries. theres nothing more odious than fake flops in basketball to draw phantom fouls and soccer players pretending to be more hurt than they are to prejudice the referees into ascribing more punitive penalties. i hate that win at all cost mentality. just play the damn game.


nothing plus nothing equals nothing

saw 13 Conversations About One Thing tonight. i wish it had been about one thing or anything for that matter. could not wait for it to be over. it was stilted and dull and a waste of talent. should have seen The Cats Meow instead or braved Cremaster 3. and theres always princess midriff and the lightsabres of doom but even the geeks and movie hacks can bear to give it only a passing grade.
