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Friday, Jan 09, 2004

moon unit zapper

"In the days to come, any administration official who says that a Moon base could support a Mars mission is revealing himself or herself to be a total science illiterate. When you hear, "A Moon base could support a Mars mission," substitute the words, "I have absolutely no idea what I am talking about."

[link] [2 refs]

the ultimate aphrodisiac

ill have to agree with low culture. this picture of dick cheney is creepy. im sure its just the type of gaze that gives lynne a woody before she rummages around under the bed for her "toys." or maybe its just a result of the viagra dispensers bob dole had installed in the senate chambers. if only they had a pill to stiffen spines as well.


immaterial girl

"Our greatest risk is a lack of leadership, a lack of honesty and a complete lack of consciousness."


dinner for two

bloggies v. koufax nominations.


free acid paper

"These 9 drawings were done by an artist under the influence of LSD -- part of a test conducted by the US government during it's dalliance with psychotomimetic drugs in the late 1950's."


Thursday, Jan 08, 2004

red fight and blue

when i ask myself if dean is electable i have to look at this map and assume he could beat bush in new hampshire. the only other question is can he hold onto pennsylvania iowa wisconsin minnesota oregon washington and new mexico? or can he pick up something marginal but skewing republican like ohio louisiana arizona west virginia kentucky arkansas tennessee or missouri. and then there is a little place i like to call The Sunshine State. isnt a strategy that solidifies what you already control especially in the midwest the best way to go. maybe you can turn ohio missouri and/or florida.





shall i compare thee...

ny mets fans petition ownership to sign outfielder Vladimir Guerrero.

sabermets counts the ways.


con fab

republicons.org -- News, opinion, and building a strategy for the future through progressive thought and deed.


doctor W

just noticed that The Carnegie Endowment For International Peace are releasing a report today about the exploitation and obfuscation of WMDs intelligence during the buildup to war in iraq.

theres a live webfeed presentation by CEIP at 1230 est.

us news outlets have ignored the release although abc news did pick up the reuters (uk) wire story. i dont know if the fact that there is a quote from someone on Nightline has anything to do with that. the financial times has the most balanced report. they also refer to CEIP as a "moderately left of center" think tank which i would say is more apt than "liberal."
