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Monday, May 14, 2001

out of my way

ScienceDaily -- Study Supports Out-Of-Africa Origin For East Asians

rumor has it

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a defeat for the medical marijuana movement, a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court (news - web sites) ruled on Monday that marijuana may not be given to seriously ill patients as a ``medical necessity'' because cannabis has been classified as an illegal drug under federal law."


mythica organica

organic not so organic anymore


rumor has it

"TALLAHASSEE -- Gov. Jeb Bush confronts an extraordinary dilemma this week: denying the allegation of an affair he insists is fiction."


awful offal

is mothers day a national holiday? i cant believe they suspended garbage pickup for it. how many mothers are hauling trash?

obnoxious fumes

Salon | California gas artificially overpriced

delay tactics

'Absolute Truth' (washingtonpost.com)

ring toss

New York Envisions an Olympic Legacy

Sunday, May 13, 2001


more fake AI website news