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10 Million Hydrogen Bombs
I had a little moment last night where I was consumed with math as I tried to figure how many of the biggest ever detonated hydrogen bombs (Russia takes credit for biggest ever detonated) would it take to equal the destructive force of the space rock that landed in the Yucatan 65 million years ago, which ostensibly led to the demise of all the planet's dinosaurs. The figure I came up with was 2 million (hydrogen bombs). So, would the space rock that landed in Antarctica 250 million years ago, creating a crater 5 times larger, mean that the earth survived the impact of the equivalent of 10 million hydrogen bombs? And if so, just how fuckin tough is this planet?

One math moment led to another and I considered the current murder rate in New Orleans.

First let me say that it feels so much calmer here, so less edgier and threatening on a day to day basis.

But the numbers are this--estimated population 160,000 (one third of pre-K pop.), murder count equals 44. 44 times three equals 132 and 132 times 2 equals a potential yearly total of 264. Which is about the mean yearly murder rate in New Orleans over the last thirty years, and by itself has the city leading the nation in murders many years, while perhaps seeming small compared to ocassional spikes of 300--400 murders in a year.

So the deal is, while it feels calmer here, it is in fact, on one level, not calmer.

Can I fix it? Well, when in an earlier post I said you cannot fail in New Orleans, I did not mean that as exhortation. I meant that, in so many areas there are problems so big that haven't ever been effectively addressed--like crime and educaton--that any effort you put forth towards improvement, even if you fail in the traditional sense, really, you are not failing, because it is highly unlikely that things you try to improve will be worse off by way of your effort. So the pressure is off. You cannot fail in New Orleans. Try anything.

And with that said, today, by myself, I am going to attempt to put a stop to all this murderous madness.

To each of you, my beloved brothers and sisters, I do now put forth an exhortation I hope you will take into your hearts.

Quit fucking killing each other. Quit it. Don't make me drop 10 million hydrogen bombs on your ass. Peace out.
- jimlouis 6-03-2006 4:49 pm [link] [5 comments]