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[This article fails to mention that the finding of sarin was only a field test, and that laboratory tests will be required to confirm this finding.

The always predictable NewsMax as a different take ...

WMD Confirmed: Sarin Bomb Explodes
Proof beyond a doubt Saddam had WMD. Iraqi insurgents use chemical weapon and media ignore the story. ]

Shell said to contain sarin poses a dilemma for U.S.
Houston Chronicle -- May 18, 2004

By MICHAEL HEDGES Copyright 2004 Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON -- American officials from Baghdad to Washington scrambled Monday to determine whether the explosion of a shell they said contained poison gas posed a new threat to U.S. soldiers or proved Saddam Hussein's regime kept significant illegal weapons.

Two soldiers were slightly injured when the artillery shell rigged as a roadside bomb exploded Saturday, dispersing a small amount of a chemical agent that experts concluded was sarin, coalition spokesman Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt said Monday from Baghdad.

- mark 5-18-2004 10:42 am [link]

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