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R_tora bora
Tora Bora from War Rug

The Battle Ground Project at the Textile Museum of Canada, 55 Centre Avenue, Toronto.

Opening: April 23, 6:30pm

Max Allen has curated three exhibitions in all: Battleground: War Rugs from Afghanistan, The Kandahar Journals of Richard Johnson and Patches: Military Uniform Insignia

Sarah Quinton, a curator at the Textile museum, told me about this show a few weeks ago, so I got idiotically excited and sent her a link to where I claimed to have written a post about war rugs. Of course I did no such thing. I started by writing a post about the writer Ryszard Kapuscinski that meandered into the subject of war rugs. (I like to pretend that posting pictures is equivalent to essay writing.)

Afghan War Rug from

R_RPG rug
RPG Rug from War Rug

WTC Rug from War Rug

- L.M. 4-23-2008 5:28 am [link] [4 comments]