Lorna Mills and Sally McKay
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Tora Bora from War Rug
The Battle Ground Project at the Textile Museum of Canada, 55 Centre Avenue, Toronto.
Opening: April 23, 6:30pm
Max Allen has curated three exhibitions in all: Battleground: War Rugs from Afghanistan, The Kandahar Journals of Richard Johnson and Patches: Military Uniform Insignia
Sarah Quinton, a curator at the Textile museum, told me about this show a few weeks ago, so I got idiotically excited and sent her a link to where I claimed to have written a post about war rugs. Of course I did no such thing. I started by writing a post about the writer Ryszard Kapuscinski that meandered into the subject of war rugs. (I like to pretend that posting pictures is equivalent to essay writing.)
Afghan War Rug from warrug.com
RPG Rug from War Rug
WTC Rug from War Rug