thicket: peaceable kingdom

Thicket: The Peaceable Kingdom (La vie des bętes)
By Sally McKay and Von Bark

A window installation at Fly Gallery, 1172 Queen St. West, Toronto
Best viewed after dark, any evening until May 26, 2011

Thicket: The Peaceable Kingdom is the latest installation in our ongoing Thicket series. In Thicket 1: The Voyage (Harbourfront Centre, 2006) an intrepid crew of kitty cat protagonists (fabricated by Jean McKay) abandoned ship in a fiery space battle, leaving only their captain to man the rabbit robot space craft. In Thicket 2: Stranded (Fly Gallery, 2007), we joined our heroic captain, crash landed on an uncanny desert planet inhabited by mechanical owls and watched over by animal constellations. Newton in the Peaceable Kingdom (Harbourfront Centre, 2008) was a Thicket side project in which the dreams of animal species became entangled with the human science of perception.

For Thicket: The Peaceable Kingdom we look back in time on an unspecified date millions of years in the future. Human beings have become extinct. Other species have evolved — the Fox's Fascination, Turdis Turdis, Ed the Horse, Coelacanth, Axolotl and Hallucigenia. Every once in a while observers come by, keeping a casual eye on things to make sure that it doesn't happen again.

We wish to extend our sincere thanks to Fly Gallery for their present and past support of the ongoing Thicket series.

- sally mckay 4-22-2011 3:42 pm

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"...This art is by two friends, Sally Mckay and Von Bark. I went to art school with Von Bark. Here is info on the installation: allymckay/?54133" rel="nofollow""

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