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Architecture and Home A discussion of Heidegger´s essay 'Building Dwelling Thinking' (1951)

anna maria leon

notes on heidegger's tracing phenomenology / "M. Heidegger, “Building Dwelling Thinking,” in Basic Writings, NY: Harper and Row, 1977, (orig. 1954) p. 323-39 Dwell: to make one‘s home; reside; live —  Syn.    live, reside, inhabit, stay, lodge, room, abide, sojourn, stop, settle, tarry, remain, live in, live at, continue, go on living, rent, tenant, have a lease on, make one's home at, have one's address at, keep house, be at home, quarter, hang out*, hang up one's hat*, flop*, bunk*, crash*, tent, pitch a tent, have digs at*; see also reside. Webster’s New World Dictionary and Thesaurus "

r m schindler's theory of proportions and the wolf house

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