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Had my secong meal at Applebee's (in MA) this year and while it gets no stars its not as bad as I thought it would be.

I had to eat there cause it was late and was close to the hospital my mom is in, she has been not great lately (doesnt eat well and every once in a while wrestle's with a 1.75L plastic bottle of distilled grain) plus was stung by a wasp Saturday to which she is very allergic. She wandered up to the Emergency Room, screamed to everyone about angels and started talking to my deseased father before passing out cold on the floor.

The hospital is very close and before they expanded many years ago, deer roamed between it and my house. There is a stream between us that had crayfish when I was very young, I sadly never ate them, just liked to play with them. Back in the day the bigger streams had Horned Pout (Catfish).

Now we have Applebee's, Longhorn, one very polluted stream and the best hospital for miles around.

- Skinny 9-01-2003 6:15 pm [link] [5 comments]