tom moody
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Some new Guthrie Lonergan videos here. Above is how these YouTube-friendly works were displayed in "real space"--surrounded by tinfoil DVDs and CDs. The videos have a powerful mood--it's Lonergan's original music, and the matter-of-fact way they're put together. The "office party" one almost makes me cry. I think office stuff is important content right now--it's one ethnographic Other the art world can't face and doesn't want to celebrate and assimilate the way it has every other exotic culture. The depressing environment from whence cometh the bacon of the owner class. Signed, Karl Marx Jr.
Below, more Internet content reified and cargo-culted into the physical world. A couple of Lonergan web pages saved via a screen cap program and made into collages. The one on the left is Halt, Robot!, his collection of bot-deterring "read me before you can post" typography, mostly from MySpace. The web page the collage on the right is based on hasn't been posted yet. I like the craft project vibe of these pieces.
Lonergan has also been collecting MySpace intros. I really don't know how to talk about this work. I feel a bit like James Stewart in Rear Window watching these normal people doing their awkward and occasionally very funny home movie bits to introduce themselves to a million total strangers. It's completely public domain but feels invasive somehow.