I've got a color matching question. I have some existing vinyl graphics that need to replace, and I want to match the colors as closely as possible. Suppose I wanted to have solid color vinyl (like this) what sort of pantone matching system would I use. They have all kinds of color matching products to choose from. Process colors suck when exposed to UV, and the colors include a red a blue that probably exceed the gamut of CYMK so it would be solid colors.
- mark 11-04-2009 7:52 am

return to: /treehouse

"...ageback/50185/?/ Content-Length: 0 Connection: close Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 ..."

from page: http://www.digitalmediatree.com/pageback/50185/

also from:

first followed here: 7-05-2022 5:05 am
number of times: 1