
IMPORTANT ATTENTION! FRIDAY - APRIL 29, 2011, Facebook will become owner of the publishing rights to ALL your private photos. You need to make a simple change: got to 'Account', 'Account Settings', 'Facebook Ads' (along the top), go to 'Ads shown by third parties', choose 'NO ONE' then SAVE. It's just a 2 minutes job, and please Share, share, share, share (for those who haven't done this yet...)

- Skinny 4-27-2011 3:36 pm

return to: /treehouse

"...ageback/54175/?/ Content-Length: 0 Connection: close Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 ..."

from page:

also from:

first followed here: 6-01-2022 6:25 pm
number of times: 1