Looking for documentation of the fabled cedar tavern arguments of the day. So far found Jed Perl's book and ordered it. Not for JP but the subject. Anything else regarding the individuals and their arguments. Perhaps something by Motherwell?

- bill 2-23-2015 3:09 pm

I remember it is at least mentioned in Calvin Tomkin's Off the Wall. Not sure how much he goes into the arguments, but might be worth a look...

- jim 2-23-2015 3:26 pm [add a comment]

Thx - will check on google books.
- bill 2-23-2015 3:31 pm [add a comment]

not about arguments but nice collection on art bars.
- dave 2-23-2015 3:35 pm [add a comment]

Thanks Dave. I imagine I hit all but a few of those. Easier to list the the misses than hits!
- bill 2-23-2015 3:46 pm [add a comment]

Abex ny
- bill 2-24-2015 3:23 pm [add a comment]

Nothing and Everything - The Influence of Buddhism on the American Avant ...  By Ellen Pearlman (review)
- bill 2-24-2015 3:50 pm [add a comment]

Grounding the Social Aesthetics of Abstract Expressionism: A New Intellectual History of The Club Hellstein, Valerie (PDF) note: I open PDF files in iBook, thus keeping a copy to read on the iPad
- bill 2-24-2015 4:00 pm [add a comment]

Zen, Jung and radical-chic at mid century (goog books)
- bill 2-24-2015 4:17 pm [add a comment]

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