- steve 8-21-2022 6:25 am

Steve DiB and I have been chatting about Kirby the past couple of days after he received a few issues of The Eternals from a friend. We've discussed Kirby briefly over the years, and while acknowledging that "Mr. Fantastic would be a pisser to draw," Steve has never really been much what anyone could call a fan of Kirby or comics in general. Image searching Kirby machines lead me to this article from a few years ago. Steve Old Boy, the car is getting crowded but there is room for one more nerd. Welcome aboard.

- steve 8-21-2022 6:48 am [add a comment]

Yea...sadly that is an accurate account of my incomplete history with comics....not quite sure why never took hold..However better late than never...! So look at that...and article by my friend, the rather brilliant Alexi Worth..(who once described a painting of mine as "a celestial migraine" a compliment of course..) on JK.. I will be reading very soon.... Btw...Mr Fantastic..? Is that his real name..?
- steve db 8-21-2022 11:26 am [add a comment]

Reed Richards aka Mr. Fantastic.

- steve 8-21-2022 12:11 pm [add a comment]

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