RIP John Romita. With a background in romance comics, he was my first favorite illustrator of The Amazing Spiderman, mostly because I liked the way he drew Peter Parker's girlfriends. Later I discovered the genius of Ditko, who's squirmy anatomy and noirish locations and inks I originally found offputting. Ditko remains my favorite of that book's artists, but it was Romita who lured me in.

- steve 6-14-2023 7:09 pm

Musing over Romita while at work today I remembered that it was under Romita's watch that the book probably took its darkest turn with the death of Parker's girlfriend and that that issue is considered one of the most important in the history of super hero comics.

- steve 6-14-2023 9:31 pm [add a comment]

thanks for sharing

- Skinny 6-14-2023 11:16 pm [add a comment]

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