I recall Darger blowing my mind at the Outsider show in LA a number of years ago. The work seemed more like a transcript than an imaginative feat. There was also a huge chlorine green glowing Basquiat somewhere in the same museum & it seemed so paltry after Darger,sad really that such talent was goaded into showboating & masterpeice making. Poor Jean Michel or any artist for that matter is better off as a janitor. Then, a few years ago in Chiapas, at the Mayan ruins of Palenque, I ran into one of the Vivian girls while I was coming down the mountain boom boom boom. I gave her all the money I had on me & she gave me an orange. I fell to my knees weeping & of course she was gone. A German anthropologist later explained to me that zooomorphic hermaphrodites still living in the caves around Palenque have been seen by other like minded & gentle lurkers. Who needs to make things up? I can't even tell you what I saw at the Buffalo Jump 3 years ago ,Steve, but I can draw her when I see you.
- frank 4-13-2001 7:40 am

did you still have the orange??
- Skinny 4-13-2001 4:40 pm [add a comment]

  • I still have the orange. It is about the size of a walnut. When I finally tumbled out of the jungle & onto the lawns of the birthplace of arena rock, Pacal's tomb, an older Lacondon woman whispered something in spanish that I heard as "you are your own mother" & smiled & flashed open her hand revealing a 200 peso note ,as if to say, its all right gringo I've got it all under control, Fractal clockwork notwithstanding.
    - frank 4-19-2001 8:46 pm [add a comment]

These sorts of experiences do raise the question "Why make things up?" or even "Why make things?" But for reasons not completly understood by me, we come around to making things again. It is partially an effort to pass such experiences on, wouldn't you say?......hmmm....having re-read your post......
Yes, I'd like to see a drawing of her.
- steve 4-15-2001 6:27 pm [add a comment]

  • Absolutely! Receive & transmit with as little inteference as possible. Imagination, the making up of things, seems to function as the simulator of continuity on accout of how weak& fragmented reception can seem even with the most adept artist at the controls. Like that elfin napkin you gave me or the Shroud of Turin. the most amazing pictures show up on the flimsiest films.The medium is the middleman-Al Giordano. Continuity addicts continuity addicts; Info=Dope-Wm Harmon.
    - frank 4-19-2001 9:00 pm [add a comment]

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