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Warhol jazz album cover art. His mom did the script lettering.

- bill 2-26-2014 7:35 pm [link] [9 refs] [add a comment]

painting pros and cons

- bill 2-26-2014 2:16 pm [link] [4 refs] [add a comment]

A Greenberg reader

- bill 2-21-2014 5:14 pm [link] [2 refs] [add a comment]

Sad news. Hudson was a true art lover, a dealer who was in the business for all the right reasons. RIP

- steve 2-12-2014 10:55 pm [link] [6 refs] [3 comments]

hiroko takeda waffle

- bill 2-12-2014 10:06 pm [link] [4 refs] [1 comment]

h codax

- bill 2-07-2014 5:36 pm [link] [1 ref] [1 comment]