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Düsseldorf school

- bill 10-20-2020 3:31 am [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]

free art, looks like i went to the show 3 times

- Skinny 8-31-2020 12:13 am [link] [3 comments]

The rise, fall, and afterlife of George Sterling’s California arts colony.

- dave 8-09-2020 11:49 pm [link] [add a comment]

Surprised I never ran across him before: Charles A. A. Dellschau 

- jim 8-09-2020 10:37 am [link] [2 comments]

RIP Michael Glickman

- bill 7-20-2020 5:56 pm [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]

worthy talk

- Skinny 7-15-2020 11:48 pm [link] [add a comment]