The very definition of strategery -- I woke to the Preznit's speech about his strategery for winification in Iraq. What a steaming bucket of shite! How does this twit have a shred of credibility left? NPR had Sen. Feingold to respond. (Hey, Wisconsin, wanna swap a Feinstein for a Feingold?) The Repub on the panel was some US Rep from Fla. Her non-sequitor was "well we weren't in Iraq on 9/11" I screamed at the radio, "yeah, well we weren't in Iraq on fucking December 7, 1941, but what the fuck does that have to do with anything?"

All in all, a shitty way to wake up.

Can we have a vote of no confidence? Now?

- mark 11-30-2005 7:11 pm

digby was all over the "winning" strategy yesterday.
- dave 11-30-2005 7:48 pm

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