via ezra klein via Think Progress:

39% of Americans believe that Muslims should be force to keep special ID. 49% say that Muslim citizens aren't "loyal" to the United States.

via billmon:

The bad news:

Some 30 percent of Americans cannot say in what year the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks against New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington took place, according to a poll published in the Washington Post newspaper.

The good news:

While the country is preparing to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the attacks that claimed nearly 3,000 lives and shocked the world, 95 percent of Americans questioned in the poll were able to remember the month and the day of the attacks. (emphasis added)
- dave 8-12-2006 2:27 am

Approximate amount appropriated by Congress for Iraq operations so far (including funding authorized by the FY 2006 Emergency Supplemental): $320 billion
Approximate amount spent by the U.S. in World War I (in inflation-adjusted dollars): $205 billion
Approximate amount the U.S. is spending in Iraq per month in Fiscal Year 2006 (including operational and investment costs): $8.1 billion
Approximate amount the U.S. spent in Iraq per month in Fiscal Year 2003 (including operational and investment costs): $4.4 billion
- dave 8-12-2006 5:09 pm

Those numbers don't mean anything until Joe Nascar can't afford to put fuel in his kids' all-terrain tricycles, his boat, his snowmobile, and his leafblower.

Speaking of which, I like the theory that Bush will try to influence the midterms by having his oil buddies drop fuel prices during October. Painful for them but so worth it in the long run.

- tom moody 8-12-2006 5:17 pm

* December 7, 1941 through May 8, 1945 (VE-Day) = 1,248 days

* March 19, 2003 (U.S. invasion of Iraq) through Friday, August 18, 2006 = 1,248 days

- dave 8-16-2006 10:31 pm

- tom moody 8-16-2006 11:50 pm

This just proves that Lieberman is right: the islamic fascists really are worse than the nazis!

- jim 8-17-2006 12:21 am

August 7 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
January 27, 1973 Cease Fire

3096 days, or 8 years, 5 months, 21 days.

Given that Bush isn't willing to get out, and the American public isn't willing to kill enough people to "win", this is going to be more like Vietnam. Except the end result will be partition of an artificial union rather than re-unification across a previous artificial partition.

- mark 8-17-2006 12:31 am

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