im not particularly impressed by this 1984/apple parody. i suppose it reinforces the idea that hillary is the establishment candidate but who didnt know that. no matter how clever political ads they are a blight on intelligent debate. but then, whod want that? once again, the real story is youtube. the viral distribution is the message.

- dave 3-20-2007 12:59 am

The Huffington Post: "We have learned the video was the work of Philip de Vellis, who was the Internet communications director for Sherrod Brown's 2006 Senate campaign, and who now works at Blue State Digital, a company created by members of Howard Dean's Internet Team."

Blue State Digital is the Internet consultant for Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign.

Ben Smith has a statement from the campaign: "The Obama campaign and its employees had no knowledge and had nothing to do with the creation of the ad. We were notified this evening by a vendor of ours, Blue State Digital, that an employee of the company had been involved in the making of this ad. Blue State Digital has separated ties with this individual and we have been assured he did no work on our campaign’s account."
- dave 3-22-2007 4:53 am

"this individual"
- tom moody 3-22-2007 5:13 am

A co-w0rker was laughing at this and I said "yeah but what does it mean?" (I finally saw it.) I said, "the only people who see her as a big brother figure are right wingers who think she'll make abortion mandatory." "You may have a point," was the reply.
- tom moody 4-09-2007 12:18 am

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