upsurge of anti-semitism in the media today.

- dave 3-11-2008 2:28 am

I can hear the champagne corks popping down in Wall St. from here.
- jim 3-11-2008 3:24 am

Another self-righteous public crusader proves to be a private slimeball. Politicians, preachers, police, prosecutors, it happens over and over but we the people never seem to wise up to these hypocrites. His whole term has been one of the most pathetic political flameouts I can recall… yech!
- alex 3-11-2008 3:30 am

how does one measure such a flameout? need not he be crusading against prostitution to be considered a hypocrite?
- dave 3-11-2008 4:47 am

apparently he did bust some high end callgirl operations so he is officially a hypocrite.
- dave 3-11-2008 5:07 am

shuda gone 2 nevada or amsterdam if he was hankerin for pro talent

just sayin
- mark 3-11-2008 5:29 am

A major ego self-destructed here. Spitzer came into office with big momentum which he totally squandered with his bullying style and now makes a fool of himself. It’s too bad sex is his downfall ‘cause the real sin is arrogance, if not hypocrisy then amorality. I like to see the self-righteous taken down but he ain’t helped no cause of mine.
- alex 3-11-2008 5:53 am

wikis got an overview of his record as governor. he was an arrogant sleazeball among arrogant sleazeballs.
- dave 3-11-2008 5:58 am

The original Times headline was "...tied to prostitution ring" which makes him sound like a silent partner or something, totally fucking inaccurate. It was revised to say "...tied to prostitution ring as client." Way to go paper of record! The man...hired a hooker.
- tom moody 3-11-2008 10:01 am

That's what I thought too, "tied to prostitution ring," like he was a silent partner in the thing, which by the way would be much more interesting as news. I wonder if he was buying the one diamond or the $5500 an hour seven diamond girls.
- jimlouis 3-11-2008 5:23 pm

I think Yglesias nails it:

For a public official, however, there's an unusually large dose of hypocrisy involved here. It would be within the power of Elliot Spitzer to propose changes to New York State's prostitution laws and, indeed, Spitzer probably ought to propose such changes. But insofar as a politician isn't going to take that kind of stand, it's only right and proper that he be punished for violating laws whose justice he himself has, in his public role, proclaimed faith in.

- jim 3-11-2008 6:04 pm

And I had the same reaction to the original Times headline. I seriously thought: "wow, Spitzer ran a prostitution ring?"
- jim 3-11-2008 6:05 pm

My first reaction on hearing this story (whichever version) was "And this was the Bush Justice Department doing this investigation, right?" I see Greenwald and Hamsher and some others are talking about this.
- tom moody 3-11-2008 6:49 pm

count me in too. everybody was using that construction. i had to go to the original article to clarify.

unrelated. just saw an ad on the side of a bus for a gene simmons reality show which read "one man. 4800 women." with the obvious implication that it was the number he had slept with. spitzer just needed a roadie to run interference for him.
- dave 3-11-2008 7:04 pm

Spitzer also came out against simulated prostitution.

CBS's morning show had a segment on "Y menz such dogz?" It included a montage of confessionals, including the benchmark: Jimmy Swaggart.

Given his holier than thou attitude, I don't have much sympathy for Switzer, but this fucking puritanical attitude about sex is bad for America.
- mark 3-11-2008 7:54 pm

Someone should investigate the Times for participating in an orchestrated smear. Apparently half the world spent yesterday figuring out that Spitzer was *not* running an organized crime operation.
- tom moody 3-11-2008 8:39 pm

Yeah, awful headline. Incompetence or deliberate manipulation? It's hard to argue that a bad front page headline on the NYT is due to sloppiness.
- mark 3-11-2008 9:21 pm

Speaking of Gene Simmons, ever hear the interview he did with Terry Gross? Epic Asshole. I'm not in a position to listen right now, but some person with a web site claims to have the audio.
- mark 3-11-2008 10:37 pm

mmm ... buns
- mark 3-13-2008 1:37 am

american idol (the ad on her myspace page is for colon cleansing. ouch!)
- dave 3-13-2008 5:41 pm

mp3 of Greg Palast on why Eliot S. had to go down. Palast points out that David Vitter is still serving in Congress after exposure for the exact same "crime." (from Air America)
- tom moody 3-13-2008 6:38 pm

Why Spitzer was Bushwhacked.
- jim 3-20-2008 7:34 pm

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