Bush: Iraq is returning to normal.

Oh thank God, finally, Mission Accomplished.

Excellent work Mr. President.

What a whack job. He is clearly determined to stick rusty nails in our psyches to the very end.

- jimlouis 3-28-2008 8:47 pm

In the American Civil War the goals of Lincoln were fairly clear: end the rebellion and bring the Southern states back into the Union by force.
After years of nothing doing, Grant and Sherman scored some clear battlefield victories and Lincoln narrowly won re-election because the achievement of his goals was in sight. The cost to Americans was enormous.
Bush, who thinks he's Lincoln, has articulated no clear goals. What does it mean to "win" in Iraq? Hand the country over to a stable government and then leave? No, because Bush is building bases and negotiating agreements that will keep us there permanently.
The loss of life has been enormous for Iraqis but not for Americans compared to the American Civil War. Yet Bush's numbers are around 30% and he would stand no chance of re-election. His lack of public approval makes him *less* like Lincoln, not more.

- tom moody 3-29-2008 12:19 am

"Normal", as in "Situation Normal, All Fucked Up".
- mark 3-29-2008 3:56 am

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