ok, this use of the term villagers is cropping up a lot lately. is it just digby or is it in much broader use? i presume they are using it in the frankenstein or is it frankenstien villager sense.

- bill 10-27-2008 1:05 am

Digby claims to have coined the term. It refers to the beltway pundits who got bent out of shape when the Clintons runined their town. Atrios uses the term as well. Timmeh, for example, was a Villager.
- mark 10-27-2008 1:19 am

What Digby said.
- mark 10-27-2008 1:23 am

- bill 10-27-2008 1:34 am

The Village (the DC of Sally Quinn and interchangeable wealthy pundits/politicians/consultants/lobbyists who all follow the same consensus script) is also called Versailles by some.
- tom moody 10-27-2008 3:56 am

clearly a useful term as meams go. im curious on when village and villager were first coined. 2007? also the literalness of its usage. is she referring to the interdependence or interconnectedness of village social structure (i.e. the inside the beltway comfort zone as recognized in washington press correspondents diner), group think or mob mentality (get the monster) of a village?
- bill 10-27-2008 3:53 pm

all of the above but notably as a term of derision relating to the small minded myopic conventional wisdom spewing soothsayers whose pronouncements are to be considered received truths by the motley rabble.
- dave 10-27-2008 4:59 pm

Also "It Takes a Village" reference.
- tom moody 10-27-2008 8:49 pm

The meme started to take root when someone--Sally Quinn? Broder? both? said about the Clintons: "they trashed the town and its not their town." Pre-2007 I remember the Poor Man blog making jokes about media idiots--Broder, WaPo ombudsman Deborah Howell--and their desire to protect "our Washington" from blogger riffraff and other undesirables.
- tom moody 10-27-2008 8:52 pm

i was going to mention the impeachment scandal as a point where it became clear that the values the villagers hold dear were at odds with the opinions a majority of americans hold. similarly the results of the snap polls after the debates showed how at odds they were with the general consensus of average joes.

btw, broder said it, quinn immortalized it.
- dave 10-27-2008 9:04 pm

thanks dave that nails it. all that indignation over bill clinton and giving "w" a pass is criminal.
- bill 10-28-2008 1:18 am

Awesome column.
- mark 10-28-2008 1:24 am

More from DIgby.
- mark 10-28-2008 3:19 am

village of the damned
- bill 10-28-2008 2:45 pm

Re: those snap polls, yeah, this time the Villagers didn't get to talk themselves and then us into the position that McCain won one or more debates. You know they wanted to.
- tom moody 10-28-2008 3:15 pm

its an antitrust issue. time to break up the monopoly.
- bill 10-28-2008 3:37 pm

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