"Obama can pass health care with Democrats and then legitimately call it bipartisan by citing public support. But he has to not care that David Broder and David Brooks have a hissy fit over it. They do not speak for Americans; they don't even speak for Republicans on this one."

- dave 6-23-2009 8:41 am

Josh Marshall was very good in the era when Bush was trying to dismantle Social Security, shaming "centrist" Dems who were on the fence. I wish he (or his younger, less comfy equivalent) would put that kind of sustained focus into getting us some national health coverage. (I would do it but people find my online style abrasive.)
- tom moody 6-23-2009 2:32 pm

Here is an example of a recent Josh Marshall lead, showing where his head's at these days while Americans pay $2000 to get a few stitches:

"While we were fixated for most of Wednesday with the Mark Sanford saga..."
- tom moody 6-25-2009 2:52 pm

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