sweet jesus

"UPDATE: According to Scahill (via email), Todd approached him after the Maher show and the following occurred:

Right as we walked off stage, he said to me "that was a cheap shot." I said "what are you talking about?" and he said "you know it." I then said that I monitor msm coverage very closely and asked him what was not true that I said on the show. He then replied: "that's not the point. You sullied my reputation on TV."

Media stars are so unaccustomed to being held accountable for the impact of their behavior -- especially when they're on television -- that they consider it a grievous assault on their entitlement when it happens."
- dave 8-24-2009 6:06 am

Must see TV.

Todd sees himself as above the fray -- he's not like Glenn Beck. He resents his class of journos being compared unfavorably to newsmen past. Truth is a stupid concept that bloggerz and other naive people care about -- domestic realpolitic is the real deal.

Even Leno gets in some shots at the expense of the class of journalist to which the Chuckster so closely attaches his own precious stature.

Somehow I thought the journalistic stupidity of the Bush years was somehow an artifact of the Bush years. Sadly, no.

- mark 8-24-2009 8:27 am

Wow. Aimai's encounter with Klein is amazing.
- mark 8-24-2009 9:08 am

todd seems a little light in the credentials department.
- bill 8-24-2009 2:29 pm

As I mentioned in Digby's comments, the ever-declining Josh Marshall is giving editorial space on his "portal" to Klein, as well as Howard Fineman. Josh wants in the club bad.
- tom moody 8-24-2009 3:04 pm

Unfortunately the Maher show Greenwald is talking about is unavailable due to a "copyright claim by HBO."
The Aimai/Klein encounter is indeed classic. You... you... civil liberties absolutist!
- tom moody 8-24-2009 3:09 pm

i seem to recall an eric alterman - joe klein screaming match at some new york soiree. hard to root for anyone in that matchup at least in a non-ideological sense.
- dave 8-24-2009 4:18 pm

When someone (Leno?) brought up Cronkite and Sevareid, the Chuster really got his frilly pink panties in a wad.
- mark 8-24-2009 4:36 pm

Handy-cam version of Scahill segment.
- mark 8-24-2009 11:20 pm

Thanks. Everyone on the panel (except Scahill) seems to accept Prince's "Hessians" as something we can't do anything about.
- tom moody 8-25-2009 12:04 am

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