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Porter Goss resigned from the CIA! What are the odds he was at the one of the "hooker parties?" Great news!
- tom moody 5-05-2006 10:56 pm [link] [1 comment]

rope a dopeing rummy

noticed on huffpo but posted here
- bill 5-05-2006 9:00 pm [link] [add a comment]

"We Americans have never outgrown the narcissistic notion that the rest of the world wants (or should want) to emulate us. In Iraq, bringing democracy became the default excuse for our warmongers -- it would be perfectly plausible to call them "crusaders," if Osama bin Laden had not already appropriated the term -- once the Bush lies about Iraq's alleged nuclear, chemical, and biological threats and its support for al Qaeda melted away. Bush and his neocon supporters have prattled on endlessly about how "the world is hearing the voice of freedom from the center of the Middle East," but the reality is much closer to what Noam Chomsky dubbed "deterring democracy" in a notable 1992 book of that name. We have done everything in our power to see that the Iraqis did not get a "free and fair election," one in which the Shia majority could come to power and ally Iraq with Iran. As Noah Feldman, the Coalition Provisional Authority's law advisor, put it in November 2003, "If you move too fast the wrong people could get elected.""

- dave 5-05-2006 7:59 pm [link] [1 comment]

I saw the "Rumsfeld getting some tough questions" story all over the place, but I didn't read the transcript until just now. Worth a look.

Come on, these people aren’t idiots. They know the story.

- jim 5-05-2006 7:00 am [link] [5 comments]

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