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ill have to put this down as one of gilliards dumber conclusions. glad most of his commenters have more sense than he.

- dave 7-20-2006 6:02 pm [link] [add a comment]

...former Nixon Whitehouse counsel John Dean has a fascinating new book out called "Conservatives Without Conscience" _bbs_1/103-2568283-7396653?ie=UTF8

The core of the books is his presentation of current research on the connection between contemporary so-called "conservativism" and a distinctly right-wing authoritarian mindset.

A couple of university-level peer-reviewed studies Dean cites can be found here:

Money quote:

"the current state of evidence warrants the conclusion that (at least in the general population) right-wing conservatism is positively related to dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity; uncertainty avoidance; fear of threat, loss, and death; system instability; and epistemic needs to achieve order, structure, and closure, as well as negatively related to openness to experience, integrative complexity, and (to a lesser extent) self-esteem."

« Last Edit: Jul 19th, 2006, 6:39pm by Fatherflot »

- bill 7-20-2006 4:30 pm [link] [1 comment]

cheney-specter bill

- bill 7-19-2006 6:45 pm [link] [add a comment]

Billmon makes an interesting point:

In that sense, Hezbollah may have found the sweet spot in Fourth Generation War: It isn't a state and doesn't carry the political or defensive burdens of one, but it controls enough territory, commands enough popular loyalty and has enough allies to mount some fairly sophisticated military operations, using both conventional and nonconventional weapons. It's powerful enough to be successful -- and be seen as successful -- but not so powerful that state actors like Israel can fight it on equal terms. We may be looking at the New Model Army of the 21st century.

- jim 7-15-2006 8:43 pm [link] [add a comment]

anyone think this israeli offensive is good for bush politically (and neocon agenda) ? rice is publicly urging restraint. but is possible there was inside encouragement?

- bill 7-14-2006 6:14 pm [link] [7 comments]

George W. Bush's surprisingly good linguistic skills from 10 years ago.

- jim 7-10-2006 11:03 pm [link] [2 comments]

Tiger force.

- jim 7-10-2006 9:09 pm [link] [1 comment]

living with war today

- bill 7-07-2006 1:33 pm [link] [add a comment]

Judge Rules DeLay Stays on Ballot
-- will DeLay have to pull a Ken Lay to clear his name from the ballot?
- mark 7-06-2006 9:45 pm [link] [add a comment]

A senior government official familiar with the matter said that in directing Libby to leak the classified information to Miller and other reporters, Cheney said words to the effect of, "The president wants this out," or "The president wants this done."

- bill 7-04-2006 2:15 am [link] [add a comment]

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