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josh gives joe back class ring. tells girlfriends joes a two-timer.

And yesterday, after I saw Greg Sargent's update that Lieberman was going down the 'A win for Lamont will be a victory for the terrorists' track, I openned up our chat and wrote something to the effect of, "I've always liked Joe, but with this 'victory for the terrorists', it's enough. F--k him.

- dave 8-12-2006 1:31 am [link] [add a comment]

In case you missed Wednesday's Daily Show -- Opportunity Knocks

- mark 8-11-2006 11:49 pm [link] [2 comments]

lebanon, a series of tubes?

- dave 8-10-2006 9:19 pm [link] [1 comment]


- bill 8-10-2006 12:19 am [link] [1 comment]

boxer offers to campaign for lamont
-- I was all prepared to call up Boxer's office and give some random staffer/intern a talking to. Now I guess I should call to say "Thanks for seeing the light."
- mark 8-09-2006 9:48 pm [link] [add a comment]

rice (like powell) not of the inner circle.

- bill 8-09-2006 9:30 pm [link] [add a comment]

decent times editorial. gail collins has a pulse.

- dave 8-09-2006 7:32 pm [link] [add a comment]

Good God, I can't believe that the Lieberman "hackers crashed our website" bogus story is the lead article on the NY Times website. Fucking major media, all they know how to do is lie and recycle spin for the bad guys.

- tom moody 8-09-2006 2:21 am [link] [21 comments]

joshs mind and soul need a two state solution.

- dave 8-07-2006 10:44 am [link] [3 comments]

New on the reading list ... The End of Iraq by Peter Galbraith, who previously served as ambassador to Croatia. I heard him on NPR yesterday morning. And Fiaso byt Thomas Ricks, Pentagon correspondent for the WaPo and previously for the WSJ. I caught him on Fresh Air recently.
- mark 8-07-2006 10:22 am [link] [2 comments]

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