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ive only seen three of the new senators on the news and thus far ive been most impressed by webb. tweety loved johnny unitas john tester (he couldnt stop humping testers leg. that crewcut really turns him on.) but i was disappointed that he couldnt come up with a decent response to that outdated chestnut that democrats were not good at balancing the books. first i would have countered that i dont see much fiscal responsibility from the republicans, and, second, i remember some guy named clinton was pretty fair at that. apparently that anti-clinton shock collar the republicans gave matthews for xmas in 1994 still works because his mind gets cloudy whenever that name gets mentioned. he couldnt even remember al gores name the other day. he referred to him as that guy who was vice president before cheney. i kid you not. and then there was claire mccaskill who with a befuddled look on her face said she would support a bolton nomination for the un. um, claire, that is not a question you want to answer off the cuff on no sleep, to say nothing it being exceptionally stupid.

so webb came across the best. with a son in harms way in iraq and a distinguished military career, he is virtually patton standing next to the chicken hawk brigade. id like to see him accused of cutting and running by shrub. also he articulated that his reasons for becoming a democrat moved beyond iraq to issues of social justice. so while he may be conservative, he is no conservative, and that is a good thing.

still waiting to hear from the new senators from rhode island, ohio and pennsylvania. and when does bernie saunders get some face time?

- dave 11-10-2006 4:37 pm [link] [2 comments]

everybody's saying "thumpin'" now. it's like half the Salon headlines, about Bush or not.
that folksy word that was so carefully chosen for damage control becomes a press mantra--just like "16 words"

- tom moody 11-10-2006 1:48 am [link] [6 comments]

Hilarious Craig Ferguson video: Rumsfeld Remembrance
- jim 11-09-2006 11:42 pm [link] [3 comments]

allen expected to concede contest without recount. why not? on white house instructions?
- bill 11-09-2006 11:03 pm [link] [4 comments]

At the bottom of this requiem for Santorum, Dan Savage links to a video in which Santorum unequivocally comes out against the "pursuit of happiness". The actual phrase is used by Santorum at the very end of this frothy clip, but the intent is mixed throughout.

We can only hope Mr. Santorum gets the full measure of his much deserved unhappiness.

- mark 11-09-2006 9:36 pm [link] [add a comment]

free maureen (times select freebie)

- dave 11-09-2006 8:35 pm [link] [1 comment]

rummy mix from here

more rumballs?
- bill 11-09-2006 6:03 pm [link] [5 comments]

how come admitting to a pattern of lying comes so easily now? how do you face your people with those admissions?

- bill 11-09-2006 4:43 pm [link] [1 comment]

just read on crooked timber that cnn says rummy is gone.
- dave 11-08-2006 8:58 pm [link] [add a comment]

Blogs of all political stripes spent most of yesterday detailing reports of voting machine malfunctions and ballot shortages, effectively becoming an online national clearinghouse of the polling problems that still face the election system.

- bill 11-08-2006 8:19 pm [link] [add a comment]

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