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my god, its full of buttons.

- dave 11-16-2006 3:58 pm [link] [2 comments]

Chris Bowers uses...sarcasm.

- tom moody 11-13-2006 5:30 pm [link] [5 comments]

norquist is on cspan now.

- dave 11-13-2006 4:04 pm [link] [3 comments]

im macaca, youre macaca, hes macaca, shes macaca. wouldnt you like to be macaca, too?

- dave 11-13-2006 2:32 am [link] [3 comments]

any body else get that feeling that the bush alternate universe was lifted last wednesday? all of a sudden its back to the real world with the real world checks and balances. out goes the rove/republican bag of dirty tricks that started with clinton and the special prosecutor. in comes nancy pelosi with her eyes on the constitutional prize. which does not include impeachment (because thats what they would do). only problem i think hillary is still stuck in the old fake world of fake personality and fake politics.

gore vidal was on lopate yesterday. when asked about news paper editorials cautioning against too many hearings, vidal responded with: "NEWSPAPERS!? Who has any respect for anything they've read in news papers since 1787. they are paid for acts by the same people that brought you bush and the democrats." (he went on to say that "the republicans got rid of habeas corpus and due process and it will take two generations to get the constitution back.")

i thank the blogosphere for providing watch dog services during this recent dark age. i expect they will provide useful service in the future.

here is about as much gloating as i think we should indulge in at this time.
- bill 11-11-2006 7:22 pm [link] [4 comments]

breakdown, go ahead and give it to me

- dave 11-10-2006 5:08 pm [link] [add a comment]

ive only seen three of the new senators on the news and thus far ive been most impressed by webb. tweety loved johnny unitas john tester (he couldnt stop humping testers leg. that crewcut really turns him on.) but i was disappointed that he couldnt come up with a decent response to that outdated chestnut that democrats were not good at balancing the books. first i would have countered that i dont see much fiscal responsibility from the republicans, and, second, i remember some guy named clinton was pretty fair at that. apparently that anti-clinton shock collar the republicans gave matthews for xmas in 1994 still works because his mind gets cloudy whenever that name gets mentioned. he couldnt even remember al gores name the other day. he referred to him as that guy who was vice president before cheney. i kid you not. and then there was claire mccaskill who with a befuddled look on her face said she would support a bolton nomination for the un. um, claire, that is not a question you want to answer off the cuff on no sleep, to say nothing it being exceptionally stupid.

so webb came across the best. with a son in harms way in iraq and a distinguished military career, he is virtually patton standing next to the chicken hawk brigade. id like to see him accused of cutting and running by shrub. also he articulated that his reasons for becoming a democrat moved beyond iraq to issues of social justice. so while he may be conservative, he is no conservative, and that is a good thing.

still waiting to hear from the new senators from rhode island, ohio and pennsylvania. and when does bernie saunders get some face time?

- dave 11-10-2006 4:37 pm [link] [2 comments]

everybody's saying "thumpin'" now. it's like half the Salon headlines, about Bush or not.
that folksy word that was so carefully chosen for damage control becomes a press mantra--just like "16 words"

- tom moody 11-10-2006 1:48 am [link] [6 comments]

Hilarious Craig Ferguson video: Rumsfeld Remembrance
- jim 11-09-2006 11:42 pm [link] [3 comments]

allen expected to concede contest without recount. why not? on white house instructions?
- bill 11-09-2006 11:03 pm [link] [4 comments]

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