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when people say theres a cancer growing on this white house, this is probably not what they had in mind. although he might be the first person in history to view a leave of absence for chemotherapy as a relief.

- dave 3-27-2007 8:09 pm [link] [1 comment]


- dave 3-25-2007 5:36 pm [link] [2 comments]

gilliard would shit a pickle over this one if he werent hanging on by a thread. so ill say it for him. fuck you, bloomberg, you little fucking twerp. what a bunch of creepy assholes we have running this country.

- dave 3-25-2007 11:17 am [link] [9 comments]

profiles in craven:


- dave 3-24-2007 5:58 am [link] [add a comment]

leahy sprouts notochord. meanwhile, the transvestite slips on a pair of kneepads and inhales at the altar of the sweaty codpiece.

- dave 3-23-2007 12:37 am [link] [1 comment]

18 minute gap

- mark 3-22-2007 2:17 am [link] [add a comment]

gore about to testify on capitol hill about climate change on cspan 3.

- dave 3-21-2007 5:44 pm [link] [add a comment]

The fabulous David E says that Obama is a 'Magic Negro' -- a non-threatening black man upon whom white Americans can rely.

Rush felt that this reference entitlee him to sing (to the tune of Puff the Magic Dragon) "Barack, the Magic Negro, doo doo do doo."

I really don't know anything about the fabulous David E, but I took note of this paragraph:

Poitier really poured on the "magic" in "Lilies of the Field" (for which he won a best actor Oscar) and "To Sir, With Love" (which, along with "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner," made him a No. 1 box-office attraction). In these films, Poitier triumphs through yeoman service to his white benefactors. "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" is particularly striking in this regard, as it posits miscegenation without evoking sex. (Talk about magic!)
I just saw "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner". While there was much less on-screen fucking than in "Boogie Nights" -- very much less -- the topic of sex was broached, in an oblique 1960's PG sort of way. Specifically, the two fathers were chided for being dried up old farts who had forgotten the power of hot monkey love. But I guess the oblique reference wasn't fabulous enough.

By the way, this whitie supports Obama because he was against the Iraq war when 90% of the country was stupid on Bush.
- mark 3-21-2007 5:46 am [link] [1 comment]

un otro gobernador que habla espaņol

- mark 3-21-2007 3:35 am [link] [1 comment]

im not particularly impressed by this 1984/apple parody. i suppose it reinforces the idea that hillary is the establishment candidate but who didnt know that. no matter how clever political ads they are a blight on intelligent debate. but then, whod want that? once again, the real story is youtube. the viral distribution is the message.

- dave 3-20-2007 12:59 am [link] [3 comments]

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