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ge, we bring good things to light!

- dave 4-01-2007 6:25 am [link] [add a comment]

gag gulled

- dave 3-30-2007 10:38 pm [link] [3 comments]

We are very close to the end:

The US embassy in Baghdad circulated a memo to all Americans working for the US government in the Green Zone. It ordered them to wear protective gear whenever they were outside in the Green Zone, including just moving from one building to another. Guerrillas have managed to lob a number of rockets into the area in recent days, and killed one US GI on Tuesday.
What the fuck are they going to do? Move the green zone to Kurdistan? They cannot move it out of Baghdad (would be admitting defeat,) but they also cannot defend it (no way to clear a large enough security corridor around it to stop rockets because hundreds of thousands of people live in the immediate area.) So I guess they will just sit there until a rocket gets lucky and hits something important. Then we'll pull out like in Beirut after the Marine barracks bombings.

What other scenarios are there?
- jim 3-30-2007 8:04 pm [link] [8 comments]

at the risk of contradicting my previous post, heres one for the cassandra squad.

- dave 3-29-2007 2:36 am [link] [add a comment]

maybe dkos and mydd can ban digby from the blogosphere for this conspiracy mongering.

- dave 3-28-2007 10:30 pm [link] [1 comment]

politico is so busted for hackery. greenwald has been slamming them all day.

- dave 3-28-2007 3:20 am [link] [1 comment]

when people say theres a cancer growing on this white house, this is probably not what they had in mind. although he might be the first person in history to view a leave of absence for chemotherapy as a relief.

- dave 3-27-2007 8:09 pm [link] [1 comment]


- dave 3-25-2007 5:36 pm [link] [2 comments]

gilliard would shit a pickle over this one if he werent hanging on by a thread. so ill say it for him. fuck you, bloomberg, you little fucking twerp. what a bunch of creepy assholes we have running this country.

- dave 3-25-2007 11:17 am [link] [9 comments]

profiles in craven:


- dave 3-24-2007 5:58 am [link] [add a comment]

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