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- mark 8-28-2007 3:50 am [link] [add a comment]

Burner -- The netroots is flexing its muscle in an on-line fundraiser for Darcy Burner. In just a few days, her Actblue total has gone from a few thousand dollars to $96k, with thousands of contributors. I got in early with the largest contribution I've ever made to a political campaign (by far) based on her willingness to say that Dems need to show a little spine.

- mark 8-28-2007 3:03 am [link] [add a comment]

Gone-zales. Will Chertoff be his replacement?
- jim 8-27-2007 4:56 pm [link] [1 comment]

I've been opposed to a Hilary Clinton candidacy for a long time. I don't think she's very electable, and even if elected, I don't think her foreign policy will differ much from the neocons (although her domestic policy and judicial nominations would be a lot better, so of course I'd vote for her if she's the Democratic nominee. But then again, I'd vote for a yellow dog if it was the Democratic nominee so this isn't saying too much.)

Anyway, I've been meeting some people lately who are slightly more to the right politically than I am used to meeting. And I'm struck by how much they *hate* her. I mean, I knew this, but I'm still struck by actually seeing the emotion. They really loathe her. And it's making me come around a bit on Hilary's campaign. It might not be very mature of me, but these people will - how to put it politely? - crap their pants if she gets elected president. And it's harder and harder for me not to hope just a little bit for that spectacle.

Plus she's going to be the nominee so I've got to find something good in there. Clinton vs. Romney; you heard it here 1,453,876th
- jim 8-26-2007 8:30 pm [link] [1 comment]

extreme wingnuttia

- dave 8-21-2007 8:55 pm [link] [1 comment]

gopnik on sarkozy

- dave 8-20-2007 5:40 pm [link] [add a comment]

the serious folks

- dave 8-20-2007 5:38 pm [link] [4 comments]

the war as they saw it

- dave 8-20-2007 5:36 pm [link] [2 comments]

29 Hours

- dave 8-17-2007 11:05 pm [link] [add a comment]

wmd lies clip

- bill 8-16-2007 11:32 am [link] [2 comments]

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