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i only caught the tail end of the dems debate last night because i didnt realized there was one. but i did see stephanopoulos and sawyer call this hillarys worst moment and josh marshall posits that it was either an impassioned or enraged response depending on your point of view. i see it as a marginally honest assessment wrapped in cherry picked factoids. noone is willing to completely come out and say that the notion of "change" is campaign rhetoric. who the hell isnt for change? only those who wish to "stay the course." its pretty much an either or proposition. what you plan to do to effect change is all that matters not that you are for change. that said, i dont see how anyone could view hillarys response as anything but impassioned. now is not the time for sitting on your hands and modulating your response so as not to ruffle the heathers feathers.
- dave 1-06-2008 7:42 pm [link] [1 comment]

counting on electronic voting machines

- bill 1-06-2008 7:07 pm [link] [add a comment]

pretty momentous night of political theater last night. as far as coverage went, the democrats certainly seemed to be center stage while the republicans were almost an afterthought. maybe thats because the conservative who won doesnt have any institutional support so noone wanted to push his brand. and romney disappeared himself by giving his speech at exactly the same time as huckabee insuring that he would not be covered live. doesnt seem very smart. ron paul, of course, got the wheres waldo treatment, despite his respectable 10% showing. he got no coverage and barely no mention, whereas mccain at 13%, still the media darling, was mentioned at every turn. in fact, msnbc desperate to promote mccain had him as #3 most of the night (they only showed the top three in their graphics) despite the fact that he was in fourth behind deputy droop-a-long, fred thompson. thompson must have taken the night off knowing he was on the way out because he got about as much facetime as bill richardson, which was none, and only mentioned in the context of throwing his support to st. mccain. also, despite beating hillary by the hair on his chinny chin chin, edwards wasnt considered viable down the road by the poobahs. probably true but it seems the media would like to make this a self fullfilling prophecy.

my favorite moment of the night: some pundit trying to explain the chuck norris ironic appeal to interpups.

also great to see rachel maddow of air america given space at the msnbc pundits table. kudos to msnbc for having a true liberal voice. i thought she acquitted herself quite well.

so obama gives good speech. i was nearly as taken with edwards populist cant but you cant deny obamas presence. hillary was pretty gracious in defeat but i cant say i wasnt just as happy as the odious chris matthews to see some fresh faces take center stage. oh, and obama wins on art direction as well. instead of the claustrophobic backdrop of family and supporters huddled onstage, he was set apart. it was very bushian, in fact, but effective given his victory.

- dave 1-04-2008 6:53 pm [link] [6 comments]

Be afraid, be very afraid -- but don't let it show.

- mark 1-03-2008 12:59 am [link] [add a comment]

Breaking News 8:28 AM ET:
Benazir Bhutto Killed in Attack, Official Says
- bill 12-27-2007 4:35 pm [link] [add a comment]

Not only do Mormons believe that Jeebus and Dick Cheney Satan are brothers, they're dirty rotten commies. (Scroll down to the question on "united order".)

- mark 12-14-2007 5:46 am [link] [add a comment]


- mark 12-13-2007 10:06 pm [link] [add a comment]

its no longer who do you want to have a beer with for judging whether youd want to vote for some as president, now its who do you think is more likely to pull over and help you with a flat tire? not surprisingly, hillary lacks this quality. the media emnity for her is one of the few things that makes me like her.

- dave 12-12-2007 3:47 am [link] [4 comments]

train wreck

live blogging of train wreck

Olbermann on train wreck -- better(?) Olbermann link

- mark 12-05-2007 9:57 pm [link] [10 comments]

the intelligence analysts I knew were a hawkish lot, but unlike cheney weren't insane ... eat it, dick

- mark 12-03-2007 10:41 pm [link] [add a comment]

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