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"Obama can pass health care with Democrats and then legitimately call it bipartisan by citing public support. But he has to not care that David Broder and David Brooks have a hissy fit over it. They do not speak for Americans; they don't even speak for Republicans on this one."

- dave 6-23-2009 8:41 am [link] [2 comments]

just last week he was twittering about his favorite falafel vendors in tehran.

- dave 6-22-2009 8:29 am [link] [21 comments]

- dave 6-19-2009 7:57 pm [link] [2 comments]

Sick of this media obsession with Iran! The blogs are also full of these stories.
- tom moody 6-16-2009 1:17 am [link] [add a comment]

THE SECRET HISTORY: Can Leon Panetta move the C.I.A. forward without confronting its past? by Jane Mayer

- dave 6-15-2009 8:05 am [link] [add a comment]

even the liberal fox news....

- dave 6-10-2009 10:12 pm [link] [3 comments]

What a maroon.

During my brief visits, no one in France spelled my first name correctly or pronounced my last name correctly. I neither lived there, nor was I on their highest court.

Cue idiot legislator from Texas.
- mark 5-27-2009 8:25 pm [link] [3 comments]

green day
howie klein
down with tyranny

- dave 5-27-2009 5:40 pm [link] [add a comment]

the cut and the pasted

the appropriationist: MoDo

and the appropriated: JoMa

- bill 5-18-2009 7:20 pm [link] [2 comments]

OECD report

Here are the US rankings out of the 30 OECD countries (1 is best; 30 is worst -- worst as in Somalia-like). The names of the countries even more Somalian than the US appear in parens.

Infant Deaths: 28 out of 30 (Mexico, Turkey).

Life Expectancy: 24 out of 30 (Mexico, Turkey, Hungary, Poland, Czech & Slovak Republics).

Health Expenditures: 1 out of 30.

Poverty Rates: 28 out of 30 (Mexico, Turkey).

Child Poverty: 27 out of 30 (Mexico, Turkey, Poland).

Income Inequality: 27 out of 30 (Mexico, Turkey, Portugal).

Obesity: 30 out of 30.

Incarceration: 30 out of 30.

Work Hours (ranked in ascending order): 30 out of 30.

Height (women): 25 out of 30 (Mexico, Turkey, Korea, Portugal, Japan).

Height (men): 24 out of 30 (Italy, Spain, Mexico, Portugal, Korea, Japan).

- dave 5-13-2009 8:21 am [link] [add a comment]

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