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Kerning II -- The Layering

- mark 4-27-2011 9:08 pm [link] [2 comments]

The Health Consequences of Recent Budget Proposals

Budget cuts and spending are often a major issue throughout our country. Right now, that is ever present as the GOP has been launching an attack on the Environmental Protection Agency, by aiming to cut their budget by a third. Decreased resources and money in the budget could hurt the EPA, as less support for initiatives could mean in increase in health issues like mesothelioma, respiratory issues and asthma. Some of the main resources of the EPA go towards preventing water contamination, maintaining air quality, and assisting in asbestos removal, as well as making strides to battle the associated health risks.

One of the primary initiatives of the EPA involves the fight to keep water contamination to a minimum and water consumption safe. The Safe Water Drinking Act allows the EPA to provide a set of standards when it comes to water supply. It also allows the EPA to monitor local government and water suppliers to make sure contamination is at a minimum. Infected and contaminated water can be extremely hazardous while being known to bring forth health risks like lung cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, and some other cancers.

Keeping air quality safe is also a major initiative of the EPA. The Air Quality Modeling Group (AQMG) is a division of the EPA which is aimed to oversee and help smaller agencies, with reference to air quality. The AQMG uses a set of developed models and cycles to help provide others with the information to help air quality. Air quality could see some of the major impacts of lower resources and money for the EPA. Less of a fight for proper air quality could bring about an increase in toxins and pollution, leading to health risks like asthma and other severe respiratory issues.

The EPA also works all over the country to have asbestos removed. Previously known for its versatility and use in buildings all over, Asbestos is now regarded as the cause for diseases like asbestosis and mesothelioma. The fact that mesothelioma life expectancy is often so short, along with the other diseases brought on, has forced the progressive decrease in use of asbestos. Although not in use most anywhere these days, it could still be present in older insulation. With the full amount of resources and money, the EPA is able to combat these health risks through helping in the process of asbestos removal year after year.

Through some its initiatives it’s clear that the EPA plays a major role in not only keeping the environment safe, but also in keeping environmentally associated health risks to a minimum. By lowering the budget by over 30 percent, the EPA’s ability to keep the environment in the best condition, as well as fight as many environmentally related health risks as possible, is on the line.

- anonymous (guest) 4-04-2011 9:50 pm [link] [1 comment] [edit]

David Frum, speaking on NPR's Marketplace points out that nations don't go to war for oil -- that makes no economic sense. They do go to war for access to oil. Fucking genius right there.

- mark 3-31-2011 7:51 am [link] [3 comments]

I haven't been following the news for the past couple of days, but I just heard we've hit the trifecta. Three wars! (Not counting drugs. We've always been at war with drugs.) Did I miss the part where congress declared war? I know it's old and quaint, what with the parchment thing and all, but I'm kinda fond of the constitution.
- mark 3-20-2011 3:29 pm [link] [add a comment]

CNN alone will have a team of roughly 400 reporters, cameramen and crew assigned to the wedding. The network has 50 people on the ground working on the breaking news in Japan, plus others scattered in Bahrain, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt.

- dave 3-19-2011 3:06 am [link] [add a comment]

wanted: new dean of conventional wisdom

- dave 3-09-2011 7:28 pm [link] [1 comment]

hp strike!

- bill 3-05-2011 3:58 pm [link] [add a comment]

Why can't I have a representative like this?

Note the picture of "Alito" at the top of the segment. Most trusted name in propaganda.

- mark 3-03-2011 2:52 pm [link] [1 comment]

I read Frank Rich is going from the Times to NY Mag. Is that true? If the Times wanted to confound their critics they would hire Glenn Greenwald as the new liberal op-ed voice. Of course I don't think the Times cares at all about making me happy or confounding their critics.

- jim 3-02-2011 1:54 am [link] [1 comment]

Roger Ailes to be indicted? Fingers crossed.

- jim 2-27-2011 6:41 pm [link] [add a comment]

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