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nauseating on so many levels. please let there be a vengeful god.

- dave 11-30-2005 5:03 pm [link] [2 comments]

robert scheers new digs.

- dave 11-30-2005 4:30 pm [link] [add a comment]

Great Moments in Conservative Punditry

Every time you delve into the situation in Iraq, you come away with the phrase "not enough troops" ringing in your head, and I hope someday we will find out how this travesty came about.

I know Atrios blogged on this two days ago, but the Brooks piece just appeared in my local paper. I was eating lunch, and almost did a spit take when I came to this sentence. How can a man so profoundly stupid be so prominent in the media?

- mark 11-30-2005 1:09 am [link] [4 comments]

David Rees takes down Christopher Hitchens. He's funny even without the clip art.
- jim 11-29-2005 11:13 pm [link] [add a comment]

the canary just killed itself. the only question is what took him so long?

- dave 11-27-2005 8:12 pm [link] [add a comment]

we dont approve. gotta get those (36-40) states. go blue.

- dave 11-23-2005 8:26 pm [link] [add a comment]

how do i subscribe to this page. shouldnt this be on the public masthead. also my subscriptions to dmt pages makes it run below the fold. can i reduce type size and or run a second column with page names aligned on the left rather than right?
- bill 11-23-2005 6:42 pm [link] [2 comments]

and when we shot at the hotel with all the reporters, im sure that was just an accident.

- dave 11-23-2005 2:27 pm [link] [add a comment]

joe wilson on woodward.

- dave 11-18-2005 7:35 pm [link] [add a comment]

wayback spin ... remember back in August of 2002 when the adminsitration was ready to bypass Congress to go to war ... WH lawyers: Bush can order Iraq attack ... Bush Gets Legal Advice On Iraq

good times

- mark 11-18-2005 12:41 pm [link] [add a comment]

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