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the new house majority douchebag is on this week with stuffinenvelopes. he said weve sacrificed thousands of lives in iraq and hundreds of taxpayer money. he started to mouth "millions" (after hundreds) but then realized it sounded like alot so he cut himself off. oh, and were winning in iraq.

john kerry is on meet the tim. lets see what mr "too late to take a hard(ish) line position" has to say. ok, its never too late, except when it is.

- dave 4-09-2006 6:17 pm [link] [6 comments]

the iran plans from here

- bill 4-09-2006 4:51 am [link] [add a comment]

markos "daily kos" molit..... is on colbert tonight.
- dave 4-07-2006 7:32 am [link] [4 comments]

eat lead, drink unleaded, or try dying.

- dave 4-06-2006 11:51 pm [link] [add a comment]

Andrew Tyndall on McNeil/Lehrer tonight.
- jim 4-06-2006 1:02 am [link] [15 comments]

poor chimpy always wants to be first.

- dave 4-02-2006 1:42 am [link] [1 comment]

future wapost blogger? ok, you can stop laughing now.

- dave 3-25-2006 5:48 pm [link] [1 comment]

the bushes cant even be magnanimous without trying to find a way to line their pockets. the word "shamelessness" would be ashamed to be associated with the lot of them. if only theyd turn around, im sure theyd turn to salt. barbara may already have. someone ought to lick her and find out. on second, one thought was already too much.

- dave 3-25-2006 3:21 am [link] [1 comment]

the rudecivil pundit

- dave 3-24-2006 5:42 pm [link] [add a comment]

proactive arrests

- mark 3-18-2006 9:45 am [link] [add a comment]

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