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pretty much sums up the radical republican governing ideology. put the most predatory hypocrite in charge. set molestation agenda. proceed with recklessness. lie to god and man. rot in hell.

- dave 9-30-2006 6:21 pm [link] [1 comment]

not hitler, pol pot.

- dave 9-29-2006 5:46 pm [link] [add a comment]

not imperial rome, imperial athens.

- dave 9-28-2006 6:56 pm [link] [add a comment]

security fence business is booming. bet those security stone masons are becoming envious. nobody wants walls anymore. and forget about moats. or not.

- dave 9-28-2006 5:42 pm [link] [1 comment]

the "dean" get schooled.

- dave 9-27-2006 12:45 am [link] [8 comments]

i hadnt watched any of the chris wallace - bill clinton showdown until i saw a couple of clips on the daily show tonight. i know people mocked foxs "clinton unhinged" teaser for the program but i think it was an apt description. of course, they think thats a bad thing. too bad hes out there equivocating on lieberman. im glad he can get riled enough to defend his legacy too bad he somehow considers lieberman a part of it. i dont know why considering what a useful idiot the rabbi was during the lewinsky business.

- dave 9-26-2006 8:58 am [link] [1 comment]

I wonder how the delusional right will spin this ...

- mark 9-26-2006 2:41 am [link] [3 comments]

Frank Rich on 'The Decline and Fall of Truth' listen

Fresh Air from WHYY, September 20, 2006 · New York Times columnist Frank Rich's new book is The Greatest Story Ever Sold: The Decline and Fall of Truth from 9/11 to Katrina. Rich has been with the Times since 1980, when he was named chief theater critic.

With reviews that could be devastating, Rich earned the nickname The Butcher of Broadway. In 1994, Rich became an op-ed columnist for the paper, turning his focus to politics and culture. Slate recently re-dubbed him The Butcher of the Beltway.
- bill 9-20-2006 11:29 pm [link] [add a comment]

I watched about 20 minutes of Meet the Tim's Webb v. Macaca debate tonight. It's a thing of beauty. Webb is articulate, informed and well-reasoned. Macaca is a smirking asshole who only knows his bullshit talking points.

- mark 9-20-2006 9:10 am [link] [1 comment]

the msm are just so loathesome as a class. digby looks at case #1 as the best minds in the ny times washington office look for ways to smear clinton goo on ned lamonts prep school tie. they must really loves them that bought and paid for pro-empire jew. i wont even mention that chris matthews slimebag. think hed ever say (say, not think) of a candidate -- "too jewy?"

and then this snide look at 911 conspiracies in the washinton pust. no need to waste any time investigating the claims, lets just insinuate that theyre crackpots, and elide the possible with the far-fetched to discredit the lot. i particularly enjoyed the effort to suggest that 50% of new yorkers are addle-brained conspiracists. im sure thats what most washingtonians would like to believe anyway.
- dave 9-09-2006 8:09 pm [link] [1 comment]

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