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the bell tolls not for thee

- dave 12-29-2006 6:57 pm [link] [add a comment]

fuck you, connecticut

- dave 12-29-2006 5:08 pm [link] [4 comments]

i hope the money they offer him for rocky 7 will bring him back out of retirement.

- dave 12-28-2006 4:54 pm [link] [1 comment]

what the fuck is an "embargoed" interview? is that like self-censorship or was woodward hoarding this so hed have some fresh quotes in the event of fords death?

- dave 12-28-2006 4:49 pm [link] [4 comments]


- mark 12-27-2006 10:31 am [link] [add a comment]

does anybody know where i can find a map of the us militarys classification of baghdads ethno-sectarian divide? ive been looking for about two weeks and i just dont see it anywhere. so much for the vaunted internets.
- dave 12-26-2006 5:16 pm [link] [2 comments]

heck of a job, bushie

- mark 12-16-2006 4:56 am [link] [add a comment]

in case you wanted to watch the obama dresses like ahmadinejad. (check out whos hosting the video at the end. sorry, no tyndall. its cable, after all.)

- dave 12-14-2006 8:19 pm [link] [add a comment]

Al Qaeda is what, I asked, Sunni or Shia?

“Al Qaeda, they have both,” [incoming Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee] Reyes said. “You’re talking about predominately?”

“Sure,” I said, not knowing what else to say.

“Predominantly — probably Shiite,” he ventured.

As the article points out, this man makes $165,200. Nice work if you can get it. Has he purposefully tried to not read anything on the subject of Al Qaeda? How is it even possible not to know this?
- jim 12-09-2006 8:12 pm [link] [1 comment]

Debka, a right-ish Israeli military news source not very well respected, claims that Gates listed Israel as a nuclear power in his testimony before congress. That seems like maybe a big deal. Everyone supposes that Israel has nukes, but as far as I know no major US administration officials have ever confirmed this. Am I wrong? Certainly Israel has a policy of not admitting (or denying) this. Was it just a slip of the tongue, or is this a first step to maybe getting at the heart of the matter in the MidEast? (I can dream, can't I?)
- jim 12-07-2006 8:46 pm [link] [4 comments]

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