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Jeff Cohen, the founder of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, argues that Fox, CNN, and MSNBC often fail to cover the most pressing stories.

In Cable News Confidential he argues that all too often, these major cable news channels fail to cover the most pressing stories.

- bill 5-28-2007 8:29 pm [link] [1 comment]

the cost of the war

- bill 5-23-2007 5:41 pm [link] [1 comment]

The whole article's worth reading, but that's the money shot. Something to think about the next time Ted Koppel (aka discredited Middle East "expert" Kenneth "Threatening Storm" Pollack's father-in-law) appears on your TV screen to tell you why we must bomb Iran.

- dave 5-17-2007 2:54 am [link] [1 comment]

Leading US conservative evangelist Rev Jerry Falwell has died in hospital in Virginia after being found unconscious in his office

- jim 5-15-2007 10:26 pm [link] [5 comments]

american-style freedom is on the march!

- dave 5-14-2007 7:36 pm [link] [add a comment]

gilliard not doing well.

- dave 5-13-2007 7:14 am [link] [add a comment]

somewhat humorous richardson campaign ad. if he were a detergent, i might wash my clothes with him! actually the blasts of music makes me think of a travelocity ad. maybe he needs a troll.
- dave 5-10-2007 4:15 pm [link] [add a comment]


- dave 5-10-2007 3:56 pm [link] [add a comment]

I've been against HIllary from the beginning, so this is no big news or anything, but still it has occured to me that the Republican field is really hurting her chances at getting the Democratic nomination.

Imagine if Bush had a really strong popular VP who was a clear heir apparent (I said "imagine.") Someone the Republican machine and the rank and file were really going to get behind in lock step. If this was the case Hillary might have an advantage in the primaries because she could say (although not this directly,) that she is the only coldly calculating Dem candidate who has the professional (think "hit man") team behind her to take on such a challenger in the general election. Like: "You might think I'm a cold hearted bitch who only cares about getting more power, but at least I can take the fight to them. If you want to get your ass kicked again just nominate some pussy like John Edwards or some pie in the sky big picture guy like Obama and watch what happens when they run up against the Republican juggernaut."

That might have been effective. But because the Republicans have fielded the three (or four, five, or six) stooges I think she has lost a lot of tactical ground.

Not sure that makes sense but thought I'd just blurt it out since I'm a little bored here.
- jim 5-09-2007 10:08 pm [link] [add a comment]

The War Nerd on "Who Won Iraq?"

- tom moody 5-06-2007 6:44 pm [link] [2 comments]

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