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My cable tv went out. The box is trying to reboot, but it's been doing that for 30 minutes. Cable internet is fine though, so that's sort of weird. I guess it saves me from having to figure out which is the least bad cable network to watch the results on.
- jim 3-05-2008 6:06 am [link] [2 comments]

'Ace' McCain

- mark 3-04-2008 10:38 pm [link] [add a comment]

dont read kos as assiduously as i did but this special election for hasterts open seat in illinois caught my eye because its apparently winnable and because the democrat is a physicist. we need more diversity than just lawyers representing us.

- dave 3-04-2008 12:36 am [link] [4 comments]

anbar angie?

this op-ed must make a dittoheads explode with contradiction. notorious hollywood liberal in league with the UN and is concerned with displaced brown people thinks we should be cautious about our withdrawl from iraq for humanitarian reasons. wouldnt it just be simpler if we bombed them back to the stone ages?
- dave 2-29-2008 6:52 pm [link] [1 comment]

obamas typography is brand news.

- dave 2-28-2008 10:15 pm [link] [2 comments]

Comcast ratfucks democracy

- mark 2-27-2008 1:39 am [link] [add a comment]

nice to hear, and ballsy to boot which is why it hurts so much to brand him an antisemite. but we all know the rules, say anything sensible about americas policy towards israel and you get the star of david tattoed on your ass.i dont make the rules, im just following orders.

- dave 2-26-2008 10:26 pm [link] [1 comment]

what, me worry?

- dave 2-22-2008 5:07 pm [link] [add a comment]

Lessig for Congress.

"This is about building a parallel to Creative Commons in Congress," Lessig explains, referencing the popular legal license he created to help authors and artists make their work available for free distribution and modification. Just as creators under a Creative Commons license cede some control over their works in order to promote a robust open-source culture, Lessig's political vision entails "people in power, legislators, voluntarily waiving that power in order to build a better system." If politicians begin foreswearing PAC money, the theory runs, voters may come to see the failure to refuse lobbyist dollars as a badge of shame rather than simply the way things are done.

Lessig's wikipedia page in case you don't know who he is.

- jim 2-21-2008 11:26 pm [link] [3 comments]

anybody handicapping obamas veep options?

sen. webb (va)
sen. dodd (ct)
sen. biden (please god, no)
sen. ben nelson (ne)
gov napolitano (az) woman
gov sebelius (ks) woman
gov kaine (va)

i read somewhere that edwards doesnt want to be a veep candidate again.

anyone else?
- dave 2-20-2008 7:17 pm [link] [6 comments]

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