-or- 0100101110101101

- bill 4-13-2001 3:04 pm

Hey somebody, what that is?, when I repeatedly clicked OK inside the Microsoft IE box after a few clicks with each click came a word and the words were--now, your, in, my, computer. Sinister but cool, but???...benign?, benign??? Am I infected? Do ya'll see spots? Hey, am I, Hey, am I, Hey, am I?
- jimlouis 4-14-2001 1:43 am [add a comment]

  • Jodi is a friend of steve's. so far so good / and you can poke at it too / I wish Gido had somthing available on the net

    - bill 4-14-2001 8:07 am [add a comment]

    • It's funny how straight Jodi seems from the outside.
      - steve 4-15-2001 5:42 am [add a comment]

i like those thanks bill
- Skinny 4-14-2001 1:41 pm [add a comment]

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